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Posted 03/24/2020 in Life Coach

Hiring a Life Coach

Hiring a Life Coach

The act of hiring a nationally certified professional life coach is back in the mainstream spotlight these days after Dallas Cowboys owner and general manager Jerry Jones reached into his deep bag of tricks and hired a professional life coach to be the assistant head coach of the Dallas Cowboys. His main reason and focus on hiring a professional life coach to assist his football team was to make the locker room a stronger unit by making players more accountable, honest and have them pay close attention to detail. These are all characteristics in which a nationally certified professional life coach will try to bring out of you at the highest level possible. Now, there are many reasons why one would hire a nationally certified professional life coach so let’s take a few moments during this blog and look at the five main reasons in which you would be wanting to hire a nationally certified professional life coach to assist you in your important life decisions. 

1. STUCK IN A DEAD END JOB- One of the main reasons in which you may be wanting to hire a nationally certified professional life coach would be if you feel as though you are stuck in a dead-end job with no possibility of promoting yourself any further than you already have. Maybe this dead-end job doesn’t fulfill you financially or maybe this debt in a job doesn’t fulfill you emotionally. Whatever the case may be, it is extremely important that you make the right decision when switching jobs at all. It is especially important to have the proper guidance when you are considering leaving behind the only source of income that you have that keeps you functioning in life in order to seek out better employment. 

2. STUCK IN A BAD RELATIONSHIP- this is a very important issue in which you may seek the guidance of a nationally certified professional life coach. A lot of times when we are in a bad relationship, or an unhealthy relationship, we tend to be blind to the facts that are holding us back in life. A lot of times when we are not functioning on all cylinders we just want to feel needed or want to feel loved and we may stay with someone who may only hinder us from growing in life. On the other hand, we may be so unknowingly selfish and out of touch with reality that we may be the reason the relationship is failing and we may need a nationally certified professional life coach to point that out to us and help us be a better partner. 

3. ADDICTION ISSUES- now let’s talk about the all mighty addiction issues. One of the main reasons in which people tend to seek the help of a nationally certified professional life coach as because they are suffering from an addiction or multiple addictions that is destroying every aspect of their life and personal growth. Most nationally certified professional life coaches are also cross-trained in addiction and make great sober coaches. So if you are struggling with any addiction it’s extremely important that you consider hiring a nationally certified professional coach to pull you out of the grasps of addiction. 

4. NEED TO FIGURE OUT PURPOSE AND PASSION- A lot of us who are seeking the help of a nationally certified professional life coach are lost in our own personal and professional lives. We may not be in touch with our purpose in life and our passions in life and we may need the help of a nationally certified professional life coach to reach down and help pull those characteristics out of us. Most of the time our minds are so cluttered keeping up with our everyday lives that it takes the skill of a nationally certified professional life coach to bring our purpose and passion to the surface for us to see. 

5. STRESS IS KILLING YOU- this next factor is extremely important and can even physically or emotionally kill us and that is stress. Most of us have absolutely zero ideas on how to manage stress at a healthy level. We allow ourselves to be immersed in everyday situations that become overwhelming to a point where the stress dictates the decisions we make not our skill and knowledge. Hiring a nationally certified professional life coach to help manage our everyday stress can only help us achieve all of our goals in life. 

So we have just spent the last few minutes going over the five main reasons in which we may seek the help in the guidance of a nationally certified professional life coach to help us function at the highest level. Please read over these again and ask yourself If you're in need of hiring a nationally certified professional life coach to help you with your life decisions.

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